It was my second journey to Parambikkulam.First was in 1991,with my friends Chandrababu and Mohanan.On 2007 may 27 we visited Parambikkulam .Dr.Rahman,Hakkyaappa,Kairalai Babu,Hamzaakka,Krishnan,Sathyan Mash,Razak mash,Saleemikka,and Me are the tourists.With the help of Forester Lavakumar,my wife's uncle,we stayed at Kothala camp.There I met my old co-worker Saithalavi(GDMHS Ottappalam) Night we saw Deers,Baffalows and Elephants.In the midnight a snake intruded in our room. Monzoon rain started the next day.Saleem ali Ornithology Centre,Tramway route trekking,Kannimaara Teake,Machaan life,Bathing are great rememberable incidents.